Perth Traffic Lawyers
Armstrong Legal has a team of dedicated Perth traffic lawyers who specialise in representing client charged with traffic offences. Whether you have chosen to take a matter to court rather than paying the on-the-spot fine, been summonsed to court or been arrested and charged with traffic offences, our talented Perth traffic lawyers are here to help you ensure you get the best possible outcome.
Traffic offences range from unlicensed driving to dangerous driving occasioning death. Traffic matters can be simple and capable of being finalised on the first occasion they come to court, or they can be long and complex contested hearings that can take months to resolve. Either way, you want an experienced and sensitive lawyer on your side ensuring that your case is thoroughly prepared and that you have all your options clearly explained to you.
The ability to drive is an integral part of people’s lives. A serious traffic offence could lead to the loss of your licence so it’s important that you get advice from a Perth traffic lawyer as soon as you’ve been charged with a traffic offence.
Speeding Offences in Perth
The offence of speeding is often dealt with by way of an infringement notice. However, on some occasions, you may elect to have the matter dealt with by a court. On other occasions, you may be required to have a speeding charge finalised in court. This may be because you were charged with other traffic offences on the same occasion.
If you’ve received a speeding infringement notice or have an upcoming court appearance and want to contest the charge, then give our Perth traffic lawyers a call on 1300 038 223 to see how we can help.
Drink Driving in Perth
In Western Australia, it is an offence to drive with a BAC of more than 0.05. Drink driving is a serious offence under the Road Traffic Act 1974, for which you will either receive an infringement notice and demerit points, or a notice will be sent to you to appear in court where the penalty will be determined.
The penalty and procedure will be determined by the BAC you’ve recorded. Offences involving different BACs are dealt with as set out below:
- If your BAC is between 0.05 and 0.079 you will receive a penalty notice also referred to as an infringement notice;
- If your BAC reading is 0.08 or higher, you will automatically be disqualified from driving and will have to attend court.
- If you are on a zero alcohol limit and you give a reading of 0.02 you will be required to attend court;
If you are facing drink driving charges, call Armstrong Legal’s Perth traffic lawyers today.
DUI in Western Australia
Section 64AB of the Road Traffic Act 1974 (WA) makes it an offence for a person to drive under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating drug. Driving under the influence is a different offence from drink driving in that is does not rely on the offender recording a particular BAC. The offence is committed when a person’s driving is adversely affected by the presence of alcohol or a drug in their system.
A person who is stopped by an officer while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be arrested on the spot. If you are arrested then it’s important to contact a lawyer who can advise you on how to respond and what the next steps are.
If you have been charged with a DUI offence then call Armstrong Legal’s Perth traffic lawyers for advice.
Careless Driving
When a person operates a motor vehicle they have a duty of care to other road users. Failure to drive carefully is an offence under Section 62 of the Road Traffic Act 1974.
Careless driving charges can arise where a driver is distracted while driving. This may be because they are looking at their mobile or sending a text message, or because they are eating or drinking while driving. They can also arise when a driver does not stop at a stop sign, tailgates behind another driver or otherwise drives in a manner that could endanger the lives of other road users including pedestrians or cyclists.
The penalties for this offence include fines and license suspensions however at the more serious end if someone is injured the penalties can also include imprisonment.
If you’ve been charged with careless driving then you could face multiple charges under the Road Traffic Act. Give our Perth traffic lawyers a call and have an initial discussion about your situation.
Contact the Traffic Law team!
Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.
Obtaining an Extraordinary Licence in Perth
An extraordinary licence permits a person to drive for particular purposes when they have otherwise been disqualified from driving. When a person who relies on their licence for work is found guilty of a traffic offence, they may be able to obtain an extraordinary licence to allow them to continue driving for work.
There are limited circumstances where you can apply for an extraordinary drivers licence. These include:
- medical reasons. You may be granted an EDL if you would be unable to get urgent medical treatment for an existing medication conditions;
- employment reasons. If you will lose the ability to earn money and be placed under extreme financial pressure you may qualify;
- getting to and from work. If there is no other suitable means of getting to and from work you can apply.
If a person has been disqualified from driving under the demerit point system then they cannot apply for an extraordinary drivers licence. However, if you are in this situation, there are other options available to you. Under Section 71C of the Road Traffic Act 1974 you may be able to ask the court to revoke the disqualification notice.
If you are unsure if you qualify for an EDL and would like legal advice, give our Perth traffic lawyers a call on 1300 038 223.
Lifetime Driver’s Licence Disqualification
Although most traffic offences will result in a fine and demerit points, some traffic offences will also carry a licence disqualification period. Disqualification periods can be imposed for long periods and can be served concurrently.
In extreme cases a person will be disqualified from driving for life. Common situations that will attract a lifetime disqualification include:
- having three or more convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol under Section 63 of the Road Traffic Act 1974;
- having three or more convictions of driving under the influence of alcohol under 64AB of the Road Traffic Act;
- having three or more convictions of driving at more than 45kms over the speed limit, or at more than 155kms under Section 60 or 60A of the Road Traffic Act.
A lifetime disqualification means that a person is never permitted to drive again.
Under Section 24 of the Road Traffic (Authorisation to Drive) Act a person can apply to the District Court or the Supreme Court (if the disqualification was made in the Supreme Court) to have a lifetime disqualification removed if it’s been at least 10 years since the disqualification was imposed.
For advice on any traffic offence, phone Armstrong Legal’s Perth traffic lawyers on 1300 038 223 or email us.