Perth Family Lawyers

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Armstrong Legal’s Perth Family Lawyers practice solely in the area of Family Law. They’re sensitive and aware of your need for a simple resolution.  Our team of Family Lawyers will walk you through every step of your property settlement, de facto separation, divorce or child custody dispute.  Our expert and compassionate Perth Family Lawyers are available Monday to Sunday from 7am until midnight on 1300 038 223, so pick up the phone and talk to our Perth Family Lawyers about what you’re going through.

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Suite 207 22 St Georges TerracePerth,6000

Divorce in Perth

Divorce is never easy and our Perth Family Lawyers recognise that the pain you’ll experience when going through a divorce is similar to that which you’d experience if someone had died.  It’s not just the end of a relationship. You’re also saying goodbye to the vision that you had for your future, and your hopes and dreams. That can be difficult.

In our experience, the divorce process is different for each of the parties involved, with them being in different emotional states. Even though we’re now in an era of a “no-fault” divorce, getting divorced can still be difficult and stressful.

What constitutes a De Facto Couple in Perth

De facto couples are treated the same way as married couples under the Family Law Act. Same-sex couples are treated the same way as different-sex couples.

However, the Family Law Act applies to de facto couples only when:

  • They have been living as a de facto couple for at least two years. The two-year period does not need to be consecutive or uninterrupted; or
  • There is at least one child of the relationship; or
  • The two parties shared finances and would be negatively impacted if there wasn’t a property settlement.

Any dispute is stressful but if the matter concerns family law it is in your best interests to pick up the phone and call a Perth Family Lawyer.

Getting a Perth Family Lawyer involved in the early stages means you will know your legal rights, responsibilities and entitlements under the Family Law Act. We can offer an impartial mediation service that will lead to a desirable outcome for both parties in both parenting, and property matters.


Just as every fingerprint is different, every family matter is too so at the forefront of our operations is a commitment to creating a supportive and empathetic environment. We always respect your privacy and confidentiality. Anything you tell us is treated in the strictest of confidence. Aside from the emotional toll that a separation will take on you, you may not know how a separation will affect your life or know where to start. Our talented lawyers can help you with your property, finances and matters involving your children, which may reduce some of the stress and have a flow-on effect of improving your emotional state.

To protect your financial assets it’s wise to seek legal advice at the earliest possible opportunity. Our Perth Family Lawyers will give you practical advice that you can use in resolving your current separation matter. Our lawyers can also provide you guidance with:

The involvement of a Perth Family Lawyer in the early stages of separation means both parties know their rights and paves the way for a temporary arrangement to be put in place while the matter is finalised.

Contact the Perth Family Law team!

Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.

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Perth Property Settlement

Separation or divorce doesn’t just affect your emotional and mental wellbeing. It can also have dire consequences for your financial position. Therefore it’s really important to talk to a lawyer early on because you may not know where to begin when it comes to a property settlement. If you’ve never interacted with the legal system then you probably don’t know your legal rights or responsibilities.

Our Perth Family Lawyers will explain to you the property settlement process. Then they’ll gather facts about your situation before applying the Family Law Act to your matter.

It is also imperative that you speak to a Family Lawyer soon after you’ve separated because a time limit of 12 months applies for property settlement applications.  The length of time it takes to finalise the matter will be influenced by the complexities of the case, how organised each of the two parties is and each party’s willingness to negotiate. Cases that go to court will take longer, however most property settlement matters are finalised within two years.

Perth Custody

Australian Family Law is underpinned by the principle that children have a right to a meaningful relationship with both of their parents and a right to be protected from harm.

When you’re in the midst of a breakup, even if it is amicable it’s easy to forget that and just focus on your future rather than that of your children.

The Family Law Act 1975  governs arrangements for the custody and care of children. When determining how children should be treated following a relationship breakdown many questions will be asked including:

  • Whether the children can travel overseas;
  • Where the children will live;
  • Where the children will go to school;
  • Who the children will spend time with;
  • Who will be responsible for making a decision about the children, such as major medical procedures;
  • Whether a child’s name needs to be changed.

These are all important questions.

By engaging the services of a Perth Family Lawyer you will have someone advocate on your behalf and guide you through each stage of the negotiations and Family Court proceedings. They’ll carefully explain the law and how it applies to your situation.

Our Perth Family Lawyers can formalise any agreement between you and your former de facto partner or spouse and if anything is unclear they will clarify it for you.

How Perth Family Lawyers can help

Ultimately a relationship breakdown is one of the most stressful times you will ever go through. It can be overwhelming so instead of battling on your own, pick up the phone and call our Perth Family Lawyers who have over 20 years’ experience advising clients on all aspects of Family Law.

Our Perth Family Law Hotline

Open 7 am-midnight 7 days a week.

Because most legal cases are unique you can save time and money by asking a lawyer about your situation directly rather than researching it yourself online.

It costs nothing to get your legal matter assessed by a lawyer on the Armstrong Legal Hotline.

Our lawyers will be able to provide you with an assessment of your matter and make recommendations about the next step you should take.

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Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
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