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About Us

Armstrong Legal has a team of lawyers who practise exclusively in criminal and traffic law. Traffic matters are the most common type of criminal matter that is brought before the courts and one of the advantages of using a criminal law firm with a team of specialists is that we have concentrated expertise in this field.

Our team of criminal lawyers has broad professional experience. It includes a solicitor who has worked as a journalist and a political adviser. Our solicitors have also sat on the Law Society of New South Wales Disclosure Committee and the ACT Law Society’s Criminal Law Committee. One member of our team continues to be a panellist for the Canberra AFL Tribunal. This breadth of experience means that we have a unique approach to handling traffic matters because we can assess them from a range of perspectives.

Traffic offences can have serious consequences for all aspects of a person’s life. Most people who seek our advice have been charged with offences that can attract severe penalties, including custodial sentences. In these circumstances, you need a firm that specialises in criminal law to ensure that you achieve the best outcome possible. Armstrong Legal is a criminal law firm with a team of specialists who can offer you expert legal advice in all criminal and traffic matters.

We offer our clients value for money and ensure that your matter receives the attention it deserves. If you have been charged with a traffic offence or have any questions relating to a traffic law matter, please contact us on 1300 038 223. You can also send an enquiry to us online and one of our criminal lawyers will contact you shortly to discuss how we can assist you.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Legal Hotline
Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
Call 1300 038 223