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Heavy Vehicle Compliance Program

The Roads and Maritime Services requires that drivers of heavy vehicles present their vehicles for inspection at Heavy Vehicle Safety Stations (HVSS) throughout NSW. It does this to ensure compliance with the heavy vehicle regulations.

Failure to stop at a HVSS is an offence. It can also result in close scrutiny of the vehicle’s use and related records.

Where are the Heavy Vehicle Safety Stations Located?

In January 2021 there were eight HVSS operating in NSW. The locations  were:

  • Mount Boyce (Great Western Highway)
  • Mount White (northbound and southbound on the M1 Motorway)
  • Marulan (northbound and southbound on the Hume Highway)
  • Twelve Mile Creek (Pacific Highway)
  • Chinderah (Pacific Highway)
  • Pine Creek (Pacific Highway)
  • Halfway Creek (Pacific Highway)
  • Bell (Bells Line of Road)
  • Kankool (New England Highway)

Who Must Stop at a Heavy Vehicle Safety Station?

Generally all heavy vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) exceeding eight tonnes must enter the HVSS.

Some HVSS have different rules relating to the times at which and size of vehicles which must enter. These rules are displayed on fixed and variable illuminated signs at the entrance to the HVSS. Drivers of heavy vehicles need to ensure that they are aware of the locations of the HVSS, are aware of the signs, and follow the directions carefully.

What Happens if I Fail To Stop at the Station?

It is an offence to fail to stop at a HVSS when required.

Roads and Maritime Services operates Safe-T-Cams at the HVSS sites to ensure compliance with the requirement to enter. If a heavy vehicle fails to enter the cameras will capture a photograph of the number plate so that the registered operator can be identified.

The offence is usually dealt with in court. This means that the Roads and Maritime Services will issue a Court Attendance Notice requiring the driver to attend court for the matter to be finalised.

Roads and Maritime Services is also likely to issue a Notice to Produce to the registered operator of the vehicle requiring them to nominate the identity of the driver and provide transport records. These records will be carefully checked to identify any other offences committed during the journey, such as driver fatigue offences. It is not uncommon for a person charged with an offence of failing to stop to also be charged due to errors in their work diaries or other records.

What are the Penalties for Failing to Stop?

The maximum penalty that a court can impose for failing to stop at a HVSS is a fine of $6850.

If you require any further information on HVSS or any other legal matter call us on 1300 038 223 or send us an email.

Aurhett Barrie - Solicitor – Sydney

This article was written by Aurhett Barrie - Solicitor – Sydney

As a former Judge’s Associate Aurhett has rare insight into how cases are heard and decided. This knowledge allows him to persuasively advocate for his clients’ interests, both inside and outside of a courtroom. He has spent his career practising exclusively in criminal and traffic law and has advised hundreds of clients on an extensive range of matters. He takes...

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