Brisbane Criminal Lawyers

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Panic. Anxiety. Worry. Stress. Fear. These are some of the emotions that you could experience when you’re charged with a criminal offence. Even if it’s not your first interaction with the justice system, you may still experience those feelings. Just as you’d talk to a trusted friend or family member in difficult times, one of Armstrong Legal’s professional lawyers can assist you at this difficult time.

Our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers are available to phone from 7am until midnight on 1300 038 223 and would be happy to answer any criminal law questions that you have. Our Brisbane Lawyers are there for you when you are in strife and need legal support.

If you have been arrested or summonsed in relation to offences and need a lawyer to attend court with you, our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers are here to help. When you appoint a Brisbane Criminal Lawyer to handle your case you’ll be supported right up until your matter in finalised.

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Level 5 95 North Quay Brisbane ,4000

Brisbane Drug offences

Our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers have successfully represented thousands of clients charged with a range of drug offences. They’ll give you information about what your options are – plea negotiation, penalties; and the importance of character references and apology letters.

The team has had outstanding results for clients charged with drug offences.  Consult with Armstrong Legal’s Brisbane Criminal Lawyers who will make recommendations based on an assessment of your individual situation.

Violent offences in Brisbane

Our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers deal with violent offences every day, from common assaults to charges of murder and manslaughter. When you are charged with violent offences there is a high change you will be facing a jail term so it is critical that you have the best representation from the start.

Contact our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers today to talk about how you can maximise your chances of a favourable outcome.

Brisbane Property offences

Our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers routinely deal with property offences, from theft to fraud and wilful damage. Property offences range in seriousness from minor summary offences to offences that can attract lengthy prison sentences.

If you have been charged with property offences, contact tour Brisbane Criminal Lawyers to talk about the allegations against you and how you can best respond to them.

Contact the Brisbane Criminal Law team!

Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.

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Sexual offence charges in Brisbane

Sexual offences range from indecent assault to rape and child sex offences. As well as carrying lengthy periods of imprisonment, being found guilty of sexual offences can have long-term consequences such as being placed on the Child Protection Offender Registry.

IF you have been charged with a sexual offence, contact our Brisbane Criminal Lawyers today.

Defending Brisbane professionals and high-profile individuals

Some criminal cases attract a significant amount of media attention. There are numerous reasons a case may attract significant media attention such as the client having a public profile or prominent position in the community. In some instances a case receives a lot of attention for public interest reasons, because it is unusual, affects a lot of people or is political.

In cases like these it is particularly important to uphold the integrity of the justice system and the right of the defendant to a fair hearing in court.

Whatever the circumstances of your criminal matter, you are in safe hands when you engage the services of Armstrong Legal’s Brisbane Criminal Lawyers. Contact them on 1300 038 223 for an initial obligation-free discussion.

Our Criminal Law Hotline

Open 7am-midnight 7 days a week.

Because most legal cases are unique you can save time and money by asking a lawyer about your situation directly rather than researching it yourself online.

It costs nothing to get your legal matter assessed by a lawyer on the Armstrong Legal Hotline.

Our lawyers will be able to provide you with an assessment of your matter and make recommendations about the next step you should take.

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Legal Hotline
Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
Call 1300 038 223