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Parenting After Separation Courses

Parenting After Separation Courses are programs designed to help parents adapt to parenting their children after they have separated. These courses usually cover topics including:

  • Effective communication with the other parent;
  • Ways to focus on the needs of the children;
  • Strategies to avoid or resolve conflicts with the other parent;
  • Strategies to provide emotional support to the children;
  • Understanding co-parenting and the differences in co-parenting once a couple have separated.

The courses do not to teach or instruct on the basics of parenting, or provide one specific way of raising children.

Different organisations run the courses in different formats. Formats may include group sessions, take home workbooks, role playing activities and one-on-one support with a counsellor.

Who Should Participate in a Parenting After Separation Course?

Any separated parent can participate in such a course, including parents who already have an amicable relationship with the other parent. Other people who have an involvement with a separation, for example a grandparent or other family member who regularly cares for the children, may also benefit from participating.

Participation is often voluntary, but may also be ordered by a court in circumstances where it has been identified that there is a difficult co-parenting relationship, or issues with communication between the parents.

Do I have to Participate at the Same Time as my Former Partner?

It is usually not recommended that parents participate in the course at the same time as their former partner, particularly if the parents are struggling with their co-parenting relationship.

It is possible that parents with an amicable relationship may wish to participate together, and if this is your situation, you should discuss the possibility with the course provider.

How can I Find my Nearest Parenting After Separation Course?

Several different organisations offer parenting after separation courses, and they are given a variety of names and titles, depending on who offers them.

Some of the organisations include Relationships Australia, CatholicCare, Each and Family Life. It is best to contact your nearest branch to discuss how often they run their courses, and find a time and program that suits your family.

If you would like further advice with respect to parenting after separation courses, please do not hesitate to contact one of the family lawyers at Armstrong Legal.

If you require legal advice or representation in any legal matter, please contact Armstrong Legal.

Michelle Makela

This article was written by Michelle Makela

Michelle has over 15 years experience in the legal industry, working across commercial litigation, criminal law, family law and estate planning.  Michelle has been involved in all practice areas of the firm and in her personal practice has had experience in litigation at all levels (State and Federal Industrial Tribunals, the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, Federal...

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