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What effect will a criminal record have on your travel plans?

Country Restrictions
United States of America Generally, Australian residents are exempt from having to apply for a visa to enter the USA. However, if you have a criminal record, you will need to apply for a visa and must appear for an interview to determine whether or not you are eligible for a visa. You will need to provide details of the conviction and punishment. Whether or not the visa will be issued will depend on the nature and severity of the offence and punishment.
United Kingdom You will need to apply for a visa. You will need to declare criminal convictions or traffic offences and provide details and documents of the convictions and punishment.
Canada Anyone with a criminal record, including a drink-driving conviction, may be excluded from Canada. A waiver of exclusion may be issued. If you were convicted of or committed a criminal offence outside Canada, you may overcome the inadmissibility of entering Canada by applying for rehabilitation. Alternatively, you may be deemed rehabilitated if a certain period of time has passed since the offence.
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