Fraud - Making or Possessing Device for Making False Document
In the ACT it is an offence to make or possess a device that can be used for making a false document with the intention of obtaining a financial gain. The maximum penalty for this offence is 10 years imprisonment and/or a fine of 1000 penalty units.
What is Making or Possessing a Device for Making a False Document?
Making or possessing a device that has been adapted to make false documents is an offence under Section 349.1 of the Criminal Code 2002. The Act states that it is an offence to make or possess such a device with the intention to use it to make false documents or for someone else to use it to make false documents.
A person can be charged with this offence even if the device was designed or adapted to do something else as well.
What Actions Might Constitute the Offence?
The following situations would constitute an offence under this section:
- possessing a card printing machine that has been adapted so that it also prints false identification documents;
- possessing a computer that has had software installed on it that can be used to create false qualifications;
- possessing a device that you intend your friend to use to create false documents.
What Must be Proven
The following elements must be proven in order for the court to find a person guilty of this offence:
- that they made, modified or possessed a device, material or other thing knowing it could make false documents;
- that they did so with the intention that they or another person would use the device, material or thing to falsify a document.
A person charged with this offence can advance the following defences:
- that they did not do the acts alleged (factual defence);
- that they did the acts alleged but had a reasonable excuse;
- that they acted under duress.
What Court Will Hear the Matter?
The matter may be heard summarily (in the Magistrates Court) or on indictment (in a higher court). If the matter is heard in the Magistrates Court the maximum penalty that can imposed for a single offence is two years imprisonment. If the matter is finalised in the Supreme Court the maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment can be imposed.
The maximum penalty for this offence is a fine of 1000 penalty units and/or 10 years imprisonment. Other penalties a court may impose include:
- Intensive Corrections Order (ICO)
- Suspended Sentence
- Community Service Order (CSO)
- Good Behaviour Order
- Fine
- Section 17
If you require legal advice about fraud or any other legal matter, please contact Armstrong Legal.
This article was written by Andrew Fraser - Managing Associate - Canberra
Andrew works in the areas of criminal law and traffic law, providing practical advice in all of his clients’ matters. Andrew has, over many years, developed positive working relationships with prosecutors, magistrates and judges. His no-nonsense approach means he has a reputation for putting forward the best case possible for clients. Andrew has won many matters for his clients, including...